Why You Need a Checkbook Calculator
Although it is extremely important to be aware of your personal finances in today's world, keeping track of them can oftentimes be difficult. When it comes to savings, checking, and credit cards, most people have more than one financial account. The average American carries around more than one credit card. While most banks will usually give their customers an overdraft protection service, they will usually charge a fee for each item that you bounce and that can really add up.
If you have ever found yourself paying overdraft fees at your bank, falling short of the money that you thought you had, or simply having no idea how much money you have then a checkbook calculator might be the thing for you.
Checkbook calculators today can do a lot more than adding and subtracting. They have come along way from the days when they were just used for mathematical functions. Now, they can perform an assortment of tasks.
All checkbook calculators are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, but some do a lot more than that. Some can even have memories of your past actions and can help you keep track of what you spent. Most can keep track of three different accounts at once, like your savings, checking, and even your credit card account.
Keeping track of your credit card account with the same calculator that you use for your checking account can save you money in the long run. Most credit cards make their money off of late fees and over-limit fees. Having a handy item that fits in your billfold or purse and remembers your purchases keeps you from constantly having to call your credit card company or get online to see what your balance is.
Along with basic mathematical functions, the calculators can also figure out tips, sales tax, and break down sale and clearance prices for you. This means that when you're in a store and they're having a 30% off sale, you won't have to stand there and try to figure the savings out in your head, only to get up to the counter to find out that you miscalculated.
If you are traveling abroad, your checkbook calculator might even come in handy in other ways. Some come equipped with metric converters.
When you think about carrying around a calculator in your purse, you can get the image of a large, bulky item with big numbers. Well, not anymore. You can find checkbook calculators that are only 2mm thick, meaning that they are about the size of a credit card.
If you are concerned about your privacy, you can even find calculators that come with a password protection feature.
Expect to pay more for calculators that offer more functions. A calculator that does a little bit more than average can cost around $100. If you just want one that can add and subtract, you can find them for about $10. It helps to look around and compare prices, but with such a big variety, there is something out there for everyone's needs.
Click here to view all checkbook calculators.
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